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B-F Enterprises is a new publishing company, which was formed specifically to publish the book titled "Last call?". However, it is also devoted to publishing other books like "The Passover Papers" and "We, the People, Need to Take Back Our Government".
Current Books for sale
A perfect book for Christians, who share their faith with non-Christians. Because this book includes suggestions on things that Christians should do before they rush to answer questions from non-Christians. This is also a great gift for thinking non-Christians. Because this book presents discussions about the formation of the Christian Bible and about the Christian Church.
(Click on "Last call?: A Christian Challenge to Atheists, Agnostics, and Skeptics!" for web special price of $6)
(Click on "The Passover Papers" for details and forweb special price of $8)
This book explores the many faceted problems of the timing factors involved in determining the correct date and time of the Passover sacrifice, the Wednesday Crucifixion theory, the Saturday Resurrection theory, the meaning of various Hebrew terms involved, how the Bible originally counted days, and much more.
Awaiting the return of Christ, who answered everything on the cross!!
This book is information for Christians and a challenge to Atheists, Agnostics, and Skeptics!. Christians should give
this book to their non-Christians family members and friends. This book presents discussions on the Trinity, Spiritual Death,
the Spiritual Death of Jesus, and other topics.
(Click on "Last call?: Are You Really Serving God?" for details and forweb special price of $10)
We,the People, Need to Take Back Our Government, Last call?, The Passover Papers